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Portugal 2020

Incentive Systems

12th of March, 2020

Acceleration of payments

Acceleration of incentive payments to companies, within 30 days after the request for reimbursement, which can be made, up to the point of advance payment by the intermediary body


Applicable to companies with a drop in turnover or bookings or orders of more than 20%, in the two months prior to the submission of the request for alteration of the reimbursement plan compared to the same period of the previous year.


Deferral of installments due, for a period of 12 months until 30 September 2020, relating to reimbursable subsidies awarded under the incentive systems of the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN) or Portugal 2020 without interest charges or other penalty for the beneficiary companies.

Eligibility of expenses incurred with canceled international events

Thus, expenses demonstrably borne by beneficiaries in initiatives or actions canceled or postponed for reasons related to COVID -19, provided for in projects approved by Portugal 2020 or other operational programs, namely in the areas of internationalization and professional training, as well as by the Institute do Vinho e da Vinha, I.P., within the scope of the measure to support the promotion of wines in third countries, are eligible for reimbursement.

Force majeure reasons not attributable to the beneficiaries

The negative impacts resulting from COVID -19, which give rise to the insufficient achievement of actions or goals, can be considered reasons of force majeure not attributable to the beneficiaries in the evaluation of the contractual objectives.

Measures to ensure the social protection of trainees and trainers

Adoption of measures to ensure the social protection of trainees and trainers during the course of professional training actions promoted by other entities that develop training, namely, in the area of disability, co-financed by Portugal 2020 in the field of Social Inclusion and Employment, as well as employed beneficiaries in active employment policies who are prevented from attending training sessions or activities provided for in the respective projects due to the closure of facilities due to prophylactic isolation or infected by COVID -19.

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